In the bustling heart of the university campus, Hana, a determined sophomore in college, begins a new semester at a new academic institution. Focused on her rigorous biology courses and driven by her ambitions, Hana has little time for distractions, especially romantic entanglements.
Working at the campus cafe, Hana finds herself intrigued by one regular customer: Yang Jungwon, a carefree freshman film major. Jungwon possesses an infectious smile and an unwavering warmth that draws people toward him. However, Hana remains resistant, maintaining a stoic expression whenever Jungwon approaches the counter.
Jungwon, undeterred by Hana's disinterest, becomes captivated by her enigmatic persona. Determined to unravel the mystery that surrounds her, he resolves to visit the cafe every day instead of just twice a week. His genuine curiosity ignites a spark within Hana, gradually transforming her annoyance into a burgeoning curiosity.
As days turn into weeks, Hana begins to notice Jungwon's unyielding cheerfulness, his genuine interest in others, and the untold stories hidden behind his eyes. Despite her attempts to deny it, a flicker of intrigue takes root within her, threatening to ignite a flame she never anticipated.