A rugged trio of teenagers named, Amy, Spyglass, and Chad, find themselves on an adventure following an old legend. Things take a dangerous redirection when a powerful organization, called the Circle Syndicate, ambushes them and demands information about the ancient and all-powerful Arctic Crystal. The kids are tested when their pasts catch up to them in different ways: Spyglass' complicated connections to the Syndicate, Amy's struggle with her family and feelings, and Chad feeling pressured to solve the mystery and deal with his friend's endless bickering. Will their friendship survive the fatal trip? or more importantly, will they? An adventure thriller kin to Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, and The Hunger Games. This is a project made by a group of friends and it's very important to us all. please be nice! each of us writes for a different character, going on a chapter-by-chapter basis. this is a multi-book series that we have been working on for over a year. book one is finished, but we will be dealing with biweekly chapter updates until all parts are out. book two will follow.
11 parts