In a galaxy where the Force intertwines with friendship, rivalry, and secrets, follow Leonardo's odyssey from an ordinary boy to a Jedi in training.
Within the bustling Jedi Temple, young Jedi Leonardo finds himself caught between rigorous training sessions and playful banter with the enigmatic new student, Emilia Windsor. As Master Rafa imparts ancient lightsaber wisdom, tensions rise and friendships are tested, hinting at deeper mysteries and powerful destinies intertwined. This tale of camaraderie, rivalry, and the pursuit of mastery delves deep into the heart of the Force and the challenges faced by those chosen to wield it.
Drawing from personal experiences and a love for both Star Wars and anime, this tale hopes to bridge two beloved universes. Your feedback will be a step towards realizing a dream-an anime adaptation. Any feedback would be appreciated!
Disclaimer: This work is a piece of fan fiction, and I do not claim ownership of the characters, settings, or the world of "Star Wars," which remain the intellectual property of Lucasfilm and Disney. No copyright infringement is intended. This story is written purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended for commercial use or profit. Any original characters, plot points, or other elements that aren't recognized as part of the official "Star Wars" canon are my own creation.
A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away....
Once known as Obi Wan Kenobi, Ben keeps to himself on the desert planet Tatooine. As he struggles to accept himself following the betrayal of his brother-like apprentice he pledges to rarely use the force and fights to confine his self to a small number of acquaintances, avoiding any one who may be a threat to his hiding place.
Meanwhile, a Jedi knight lurks close to Ben's home; and his suspicions begin to rise when the man slowly enters his shadows. His only way of surviving is now threatened and the force is nearly leaking out of his fingertips. Thus he seeks out the one person he learns can help him; the father of the young woman who has pried at his heart since the day they met. Without the help from a faithful friend, he will be unable to sustain his veiled presence and avoid his enemy. Forthwith he is now faced with two challenges. Stay true to his promises and at no time slip from the self-chosen vow to never make the same mistake his apprentice did.
I do not own Star Wars. I do not own the cover art.