This is my first story. Just know I'm writing this for fun and there will be a lot of mistakes as well. This story is based off the game of thrones show and jonerys. Also some of you read this just know I didn't like how it was going so I'm redoing it and making an entire different story yes it's still based of game of thrones and jonerys but it's gonna be in the future kinda like in this story Jon didn't kill dany and dany never burnt down kingslanding, Missandei never died nor did the red prest melliasandra and Tyrion is still the hand of the queen, Cersei is dead, Jorah is dead, Arya and gendry are married and live in storms end, Jon and dany and the king and queen of the seven kingdoms, Cersei set wildfire underneath kingslanding and killed thousands of people when she died, Tyrion rebuilt kingslanding, Sansa is the queen in the north, bran and Meera and married, bran is still a raven but back to his normal self, Jon excepts the fact that he is a Targaryen but still a stark, rhaegal never died, dany found more dragon eggs, Marcella is still alive and excepts Jamie as her father, Jamie and brianne and married with 2 children, Margery is still alive, oberyn is still alive and with Elliara, arianna rules Dorne, Dorne is at peace with the 7 kingdoms, Theon never died, oleena never died nor did Varys, ghost is alive and Jon took him with him to kingslanding, Arya brought back nymeira, and so much more.