Unforeseen Goals is a captivating tale that follows the journey of Eva, a French university student whose life takes an unexpected turn when she moves to Barcelona. As she navigates the vibrant city, Eva's path intersects with two football players from FC Barcelona, Pablo Gavi and Pedri. What starts as a coffee mishap quickly becomes a whirlwind of encounters and newfound connections.
Eva's initial encounter with Pedro in a café leads to an instant connection, sparking a delightful and flirtatious dynamic between them. However, their budding connection is abruptly interrupted when Pablo, the team's charismatic football star, unintentionally walks in on them. As they part ways, Eva can't help but wonder about the possibilities their chance meeting might hold.
As fate weaves its intricate threads, Eva finds herself entangled in the world of football, friendship, and unexpected romance. Her interactions with both Pedro and Pablo lead her on a captivating journey of self-discovery, as her life becomes intertwined with the glamour and excitement of the football scene in Barcelona.
Through ups and downs, Eva discovers the transformative power of following her passions, facing challenges head-on, and embracing the unforeseen opportunities life presents. Unforeseen Goals is a story that explores themes of love, ambition, and the pursuit of dreams against the backdrop of one of the world's most beloved sports.
Join Eva as she embarks on a captivating adventure, navigating the complexities of love, loyalty, and personal growth in a world where her life is forever changed by two football players who capture her heart and inspire her to reach for her own goals.
Maddy Birlem is an American college student. When her best friend finds a model job in an Spanish company she travels with her to help her move out. But when she meets a Spanish footballer named Pablo Gavi she instantly forgets about her one month vocation and in the end she must decide if will she move in Spain with the love of her life or she will follow her dreams back home?