Jamie Rhodes was a good kid who just happened to be given a bad hand in terms of parents. Her dad was a drunk who couldn't stand to look at her without 5 or more drinks in his system, as she reminded him too much of his cheating, drug-abusing wife. There were no words to describe the awful treatment she went through as a child.
Fortunately, this led her down the path of wanting to help people; save them. She went to medical school, and managed to finish early due to her intelligence, graduating at the age of 24, working for 2 years as an intern, before moving away from her deteriorating parents, finally once and for all escaping the horrible place she was supposed to call home.
That was how she ended up in New Jersey, getting a call from Princeton-Plainsboro hospital to work for a man named Dr. Gregory House, head of Diagnostic Medicine.
She works alongside three other of his employees; Dr. Eric Foreman, Dr. Allison Cameron, and Dr. Robert Chase; a man who she ends up catching feelings for during her time working at this hospital.
Unsure whether or not he shares those same feelings, she contemplates running, like she always did when there was conflict. She learned it from her parents after all.
Will she stay and face her fears, or will she turn her back and run like she always did before.