Leah- Fisher- A shy and introspective girl, Leah finds solace and escape within the pages of her beloved books. Standing at 5'5", aged fifteen, she often feels like a misfit among her peers. With her quiet demeanor and tendency to overthink, she navigates the world with caution, but finds her true self when surrounded by her closest friends and the world of football.
"I've been wondering... Do you have feelings for me? I need to know, Ethan."
"It's nothing, really. I just need some space."
"I can't believe this is happening."
Ethan Miller- Standing at 5'4" at the age of 16, Ethan exudes an endearing awkwardness that only adds to his charm. With his glasses perched on his nose and a love for video games, he embraces his unique interests without reservation. Although initially reserved around people, he shares a deep and unwavering bond with Leah, forged through eleven years of friendship.
"You're an amazing dancer, Leah."
"You're beautiful, Leah."
"I understand, Leah. And you mean the world to me. But let's just enjoy our friendship for what it is, okay?"
From innocent adventures to stolen glances, follow the journey of childhood friends as their bond evolves into a love that withstands the test of time, proving that the sweetest romances blossom from the seeds of friendship, through the power of dance.