"Behind the door, Adventure awaits...
Behind the curtain, beauty is hidden...
Behind the crystal ball, the spell is protected...
What will happen to you, when you enter the land of Fantasmical ??" - Written on a Board, beside the huge Green door covered with Vine and Rose.
As a Mage, I know very well my task to always protect my people, but being a protector is not an easy job, isn't it?
Let's see then what adventure that will take you to the world, join me for an Fantastical adventure in the land of Fantasmical ✨
When the final battle of hogwarts is over, too many people were lost. So the Emerald Trio (aka golden trio) and their friends decided to travel to the past to change the course of the future.
Hogwarts Legacy Crossover
(Does NOT follow movies. New stroyline. Some dates may differ.)
*I do NOT own Harry Potter or J.K Rowling's characters*