In a distant world, two kingdoms, Aleria and Bravon, have been at war for generations. Aleria's King Sabik and Bravon's King Jordan hate each other deeply, leading their people into constant wars.
One day, King Sabik abandons his newborn son, Leo, because he wanted a daughter as his heir. Leo is found by a Bravon maid and brought to King Jordan, a stern and lonely man since the loss of his beloved wife, Camille. Jordan decides to raise Leo as his own son, and Leo grows up surrounded by Jordan's eight daughters, becoming their adopted brother.
At the age of ten, Leo learns the truth about his origins. This revelation shocks Leo, who must then decide whether he wants to know his biological father, King Sabik, or remain faithful to the one who raised him with love and rigor.
How will Leo react to this revelation? Will he seek to reconcile the two kingdoms or will he be carried away by vengeance? The mysteries of his past and the secrets of the two kings promise an epic adventure full of surprises.
But there will come a day when he will become king and no one will be able to stop him.