Author and Cover art by me, aka Raven.
Edited by my friend, Sonru.
Content warning; Blood, gore, sensitive topics such as miscarriages, implied rape, torture, slavery, addiction, drugs, and racism. There's also a lot more, like abusive relationships and also a literal war.
Wyler R. Fritz, a cat mutant who was designed for battle and is trapped under the thumb of a goverment leader. Wyler finds out that he is a defect, he breaks from his control and saves one of the many creatures that live in a tribal-like civilization.
Wyler is constantly paranoid about his next move and slowly gathers people who help him, constantly watching his comrads die even before battle. Wyler eventually triggers a war with his actions, and it leads to his best friend's death. Or does it?
The creatures and the mutants have to make peace and live among one another for a short time while the war is going on. Can the creatures, with their strict cultures and some arrogant leaders, help the mutants win this rebellion?
I'm Raven, or Corvo; if you want to find out what happens to everyone in this sci-fi, totally-not-furry story, take a read. I am writing and working on making each chapter longer with content almost every day. Also, any art you may see (Including the cover) is all by me (or my best friend) and you may check us out on Deviantart.
My Bestie:
الشقة 333
"نعم كانت هي.. كانت نفس الشقة التي بدأ بها عذابي.. هكذا وقفت امامها ذلك اليوم قلبي ينبض بجنون ابحث عن الحب الذي لن اجده فيها يوماً .. بل وجدت بدله نصف الشيطان الذي كنت انا احمل نصفه الاخر..
اجل كانت حياته بين يدي وكان موتي بين يديه
سلسلة وحوش بشرية
الكاتبة : أصالة روز