In the world of lies, dirty, difficult, chaotic, and incomprehensible but though she tried to live, even it was only a very flimsy thread that was clinging to his soul. Cling to her until the end.
A name given to her will lead to a life that will destroy her personality. She can't bear the thought of thanking to have it, because it's not pleasant anymore.
She only dreamed that she would eat in one day, bathe in one week, sleep six hours in one night, while the life she found now was more than a torture she experienced before.
"Who are you?"
She can't answer that damn question because she's mute. It's a simple question but she can't answer it.
"She's mute"
"Hhm" she's trying to talked but it can worsening the voice tone that she let it out.
That is her, it's her. A little woman and a little Miss Mute. And if it's day are come there will be loving the Mute like her.
Copyright©2023 by AnehvEel
No parts of this story may be copied produced, or distributed without the Authors permission.All Rights Reserved