This prequel to "This Can't Be Love," delves into the mind of Aaron Walsh and his beloved Samantha Lawrence, entangled in deceit, manipulation, and even murder... Nothing stands in Love's way... Not even the mind games.
"It was an infatuation with an unattainable girl. You were in love with the idea of her. Not her."-Riley Lawrence, expert in love and how to survive high school.
Riley Lawrence is a survivor. His friend Nora (and the love of his short life) is a fighter. Together they are the definition of awesome and have the ability to save the world, just not themselves.
You see all his life Riley has been surviving, which he comes to realize is nowhere near the same thing as living. What brings on this sudden realization? Well it's a combination of being diagnosed with cancer and also meeting, befriending and falling in love with the charming, fearless and utterly charismatic Nora. Together they embark on a journey of learning how to live rather than just survive and maybe even how to love.
Join them in their adventure and help them answer the question, when love isn't about forever, what is it about?