35 Bagian Lengkap In a world where magical creatures and extraordinary powers thrive, Raven is a young girl who embraces darkness and defies societal expectations. Unapologetically fierce, she loves to fight and doesn't give a damn about what others think of her. When she receives an invitation to the Guardians Academy, a prestigious school for students with unique abilities, Raven enters a realm filled with both challenges and opportunities.
At the academy, she finds unexpected friendships among a diverse group of students. There's Sierra, a colorful girl with the ability to communicate with animals, who embodies love and peace; and Maya, a scaredy-cat whose timid nature masks hidden courage. Together, they navigate the complexities of their new environment, learning to embrace their differences while forging strong bonds. and Damon, a mysterious boy who is a mixture of vampire and another creature due to his parents. His dark charm and complex background intrigue Raven, drawing her into a world of uncharted emotions.