The story begins on Polemistis. A planet similar to Earth. Except for the fact that the people on the planet seem to have possession of incredible magic. The inhabitants on the living side of the planet call themselves Mystans. There are many different types of Mystans. Some can't survive the oxygen and stay in the oceans and waters, and others take to the skies with wings or even simple magic, and the rest stay low to the ground. The inhabitants are sort of like a mesh of human and animal. some parts of their bodies have skin while the rest may have feathers or fur. Some have animal like tails, ears and wings. But there is also an array of human-like Mystans. They have human faces, human feet, human hands and human hair. The only things that sometimes seem different is: their eyes, their tongues, their ears, their inhuman strength, speed, smarts, will, and many other differences. Their ears are pointed like the ears of an elf. Their tongues are longer than the average humans. Their eyes are inhuman colors as well. Magenta, Purple, even rainbow colored eyes. They're also able to stand insufferable torture and trauma. It's strange. Humans wonder how this planet ever came to be, often theorizing on the big bang, wondering if they got it all wrong. The humans don't know that if they just simply asked the Mystans about the history of Polemistis, they would hear the most incredible stories of evil and good. Magic and death. Family and war.