Zulian Hexon, a cheerful 20-year-old guy is frowning. He was just hiking with his friends but when he turned around they were already gone. He doesn't know if they noticed him missing since there are 23 of them.
It's already been three hours, he's already deep inside the forest. He was stressed, but when he looked in front of him there was a nice house. The house was circled by tall trees as the moon shone and gave the small house an elegant look.
He went inside the house, it was well-kept, and he planned to stay there for the night. He looked up where the stairs were going and he saw a beautiful mess looking at him. The moonlight shone through the big window behind her, making her messy but graceful.
"Koi iés vo doing e invading undefineds meysoun?" The woman said grumpiness all over her face.
He fucked up successfully(?)