Violet Potter and the Basilisk Plague (Year Two)
19 جزء
undefined أجزاء مستمرة Violet Potter's Second Year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry has begun.
When Harry Potter and his best friend, Ron Weasley are almost expelled for (illegally) flying an enchanted car from London to Hogwarts, the calculating and brutal Head of Slytherin House, Professor Snape, personally warns Violet against further fraternization with any Gryffindors. Her own brother and his closest friends in particular. The insufferable Draco Malfoy, the always stuck-up Pansy Parkinson, and several of their cronies also take it upon themselves to give Violet (and Harry) even more grief.
The new DADA teacher, while at least not one harboring any dark wizards on the back of his head, is unfortunately as incompetent and narcissistic as a Gilderoy might come, and very likely a complete phony. And what exactly is the deal with the Malfoy family's house-elf anyway? Or the elf that the Maynard family used to own?
Violet soon has bigger problems to worry about when the legendary Chamber of Secrets is reopened, as muggle-borns all over the school are turning up petrified. And, worst of all, almost everyone seems to think that Harry and Violet have something to do with these attacks. Even in spite of the fact that Violet and Victoria among a few others have volunteered to work tirelessly with helping Professor Sprout to prepare the antidote and venturing into the other three chambers while Harry, Ron, and Hermione are racing against time to solve the mystery of the infamous Chamber of Secrets itself. But the true culprits are far more sinister than most could ever imagine...
Disclaimer: This is a fan reimagining of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K. Rowling. I own nothing other than the characters I made up.