Alyssa Daniels thought she wasn't going to survive the night she decided to go for a late night swim. Alone, so she thought, went out for a swim in a nearby lake. As she swam, she heard gun fire close by in the woods. She looked closer as a figure was walking through the woods. Waiting until she thought they had left, she got out and started running back to her car. Right before she reached her car, a hand reached out and pulled her back into the shadows of the trees. The hand stayed over her mouth as she watched people surround and look inside her car. Swaying, she snapped a twig grabbing the attention of the people near her vehicle. The person holding her quickly reacted by pulling her behind him as he ran through the woods. They ran past more people with guns and into a vehicle waiting for them. Thinking she's safe and now allowed to go home, she sighs. That's far from the truth.