In a world where mortal humans and immortal elves, fairies and goblins exist in parallel realms, Maryne, a young human girl raised in the immortal realm, yearns to be accepted for who she truly is. Concealing her identity, she navigates a realm where humans are forbidden, facing the constant torment of the crown prince, Duayn. But when her beloved adoptive father, Theor, is poisoned and nears death, Malyne's world shatters. Humans couldn't survive in the elven atmosphere without the enchantment bestowed by an elf noble. Theor had created the magical barrier to shield her, but if he died, the spell would dissolve, and Maryne would perish along with it. Now she needs to find a way to survive. Join Malyne on a perilous quest as she battles against time, unravels ancient secrets, and faces the ultimate choice: to secure her place in the elven realm or perish alongside her father. Will she find the strength to defy destiny and carve her own path in a world that seeks to reject her?