The Race of Gloom - Write to Rank 2021 Submission
9 Части Завершенная история This book is the submission for the contest of Write to Rank 2021 in which every chapter represents different themes given by the contest's admins with the main genre of action.
Every chapter would be a different story thus this is a book of mini stories with made-up prompts.
The Write to Rank contest is held by @action
Chapter 1 (White Belt): 100 words of running from a crime scene. Framed or guilty?
Chapter 2 (Yellow Belt): 500 words of the epic banter between good and evil.
Chapter 3 (Orange Belt): 800 words of a trip gone wrong, action-packed and fast.
Chapter 4 (Green Belt): 1.2k words of mystery and action mashup. Write in active voice!
Chapter 5 (Blue Belt): 1.2k words of scifi and action mashup. Reaction more than telling.
Chapter 6 (Purple Belt): 1.2k words of historical fiction and action mashup. Show don't tell!
Chapter 7 (Brown Belt): 2k words one-shot of a clear protagonist and antagonist, cliffhanger, and the line "If we do this, there's no turning back."
Chapter 8 (Red Belt): 3k words of action fanfiction from a beloved and famous fandom of either movies or games or shows. I personally chose The Last of Us.
Chapter 9: 5-10k words of action fast paced short story with character development and active voice. Show don't tell.
Completed: Jul 19, 2021