"Temporal Odyssey" takes viewers on an exhilarating journey through time and dimensions, where the fate of the world hangs in the balance. The series revolves around Jordan Joestar, a young and determined protagonist, who discovers his extraordinary power to manipulate time with his Stand, Celestial Alchemy. Guided by his unwavering sense of justice and fueled by the tragic loss of his loved ones at the hands of the enigmatic and malevolent Maximum Blackwood, Jordan embarks on a quest for vengeance.
Joined by his loyal allies, each possessing their own formidable Stands, the team sets out to confront Maximum Blackwood, a twisted and cunning villain seeking to rewrite the fabric of reality itself. As the battle between Jordan and Maximum intensifies, the series delves into mind-bending encounters, epic clashes, and emotional journeys that challenge the very limits of their abilities and test their resolve.
Throughout the series, viewers will witness intense battles where time is manipulated, dimensions are shattered, and new allies and enemies emerge from the shadows. The stakes are high as Jordan and his team face treacherous foes, uncover ancient secrets, and navigate the intricate web of time and space. The series explores themes of sacrifice, redemption, and the unyielding determination of the human spirit in the face of overwhelming odds.
With stunning animation, intricate storytelling, and memorable characters, "Temporal Odyssey" takes audiences on an unforgettable ride, blending action, drama, and suspense in a race against time to prevent Maximum Blackwood from achieving ultimate power. As the heroes push the boundaries of their abilities and confront their inner demons, they will ultimately discover the true meaning of heroism and the power of unity in their quest to save the world from certain destruction.
November 1988, Tokyo, Japan.
While visiting Japan, Karolina voluntarily enters a Japanese Highschool, where she meets Jotaro Kujo, a tall, black haired and muscular teenager in her age. Finding out that Jotaro shares an ability with her, she is instantly drawn to him.
After that meeting, she not only joins him on a 50 days long, bizarre adventure, but also encounters death in a way she shouldn't have to and shapes herself a completely new future.
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure | Jotaro Kujo x OC,
- in English
- completed!
- Jotaro Kujo x OC! (x Noriaki Kakyoin)
- Spoilers! (Major for: Part 3, Part 6, Part 2)
- Reader/(Y/N) version available! Read OC version for a more detailed and personal story
- Kakyoin #5, 19.09.2023 (Thank you so much 🥰😭❤️)
- JoJo #33, 23.09.2023 (Wowieee we are trending hihi)
- Bizarre #13, #12, 11.10.2023 (it is truly bizarre! Thank you!)
- Jotaro #59, 18.10.2023 (❤️❤️❤️ Thank you! First time trending there!!)
//Information and Copyright:
- Based on Hirohiko Araki's work
- I do not own "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure", I only own the story written in this book.
- "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure" is owned by "Hirohiko Araki" and "Shueisha Inc."
- Cover: Screenshot from "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders"; self made
- All rights reserved
- CC BY-ND 4.0 (Creative Commons Attribution and No Derivatives)