In a post-apocalyptic world overrun by monstrous Titans, humanity finds safety only within the Walls. Trapped in the godforsaken Underground, Levi Ackerman finally has a chance to escape to the Surface, but his ticket out of there is the Survey Corps, an organization for dumb shits who want to die outside the Walls fighting Titans. It's okay. Levi has a plan. All he has to do is steal some classified documents from the headquarters, use them to blackmail the people controlling him, kill the stupid Vice Commander Erwin, and make sure his friends don't die on their first expedition. Sounds simple enough, right?
How-the-fuck-ever, Junior Commander Rosaline Bauers is making things difficult. Tasked with welcoming the reluctant new recruits to Headquarters and getting them ready for their first expedition, she is full of contradictions. Warm, but calculating. Gentle, but strong-willed. Hilarious, but heavy with horrors she won't speak of. And worst of all, she's Erwin's second-in-command, and maybe a little more. Levi can't afford to get distracted, and Rosaline is full of secrets she plans to keep, but the more they get to know each other, the more their plans unravel and their fates, for better or worse, intertwine.
Twisted in a fog of monsters, lies, and darkness, will these two runaway souls recognize each other? Or destroy the other forever?