Godzilla Own By Toho Freezing Own by Lim Dall Young and Kim Kwang Hyun Ever since Tokyo burned in 1954, humanity has lived in fear of the giant monsters referred to as Kaiju, a fear made even greater by a nearly endless series of battles between the beasts known as the Empty Throne War. Until a extraterrestrial sentient and hostile race called Nova with Pandoras, and their male partners called Limiters who use a energy-based technique called "Freezing" to limit their opponent's mobility. a Japanese boy named Ryuhei Gojo who enters West Genetics, a military training school with genetically modified girls called Pandoras. Ryuhei's relationship with Satellizer L. Bridget as they aid their fellow students in the fight to protect their friends and the world from the Nova invasion and possibly the return of an ancient super species "Monsters are Tragic beings, some are born too big or too powerful for their own good. The destruction they cause is a result of their immense size and power; monsters are not evil by choice, that is their tragedy. There is one The most destructive weapon on Earth the One who possess unstoppable fury, unthinkable power and unbreakable will Against any enemies in any Battle one name rises above... GODZILLA. He Can Either be the Protector Of Humanity or The Destroyer of Humanity." EDF ------------ Jet Jaguar Kiryu MechaGodzilla 1993/Super MechaGodzilla (Referred to as MechaGodzilla UN in story) Mecha-King Ghidorah MOGUERA Earth Kaiju -------------------- Godzilla Anguirus Baragon Battra Biollante Ebirah Gaira Ganimes Gezor Gorosaurus Kamacuras Kamoebas King Caesar Kumonga Manda Megaguirus Mothra Rodan Sanda Titanosaurus Varan Zilla Cryog ------------- Destoroyah (Mind-controlled) Gigan Hedorah MechaGodzilla Cryog Megalon Monster X Orga Rogue Kaiju ----------------------- Creatceous King Ghidorah (Young) King Ghidorah (Teen) Grand King Ghidorah (Adult) SpaceGodzillaAll Rights Reserved