35 chapitres Terminé COMPLETE TRILOGY 🏆Wattys Award book 1 in portuguese version. In a universe of unfathomable mysteries, where time bends, and the stars whisper ancestral secrets, an epic saga unfolds: Heirs of Planet Life. A trilogy that echoes the eternal cycle of creation and destruction, inspired by the millennial words of the Apocalypse: "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Principle and the End."
Immerse yourself in the odyssey of Nicholas, a young man who dare to challenge the cosmos' puzzles. Orphan of father, he finds comfort in the vastness of the skies, dreaming of unraveling the mysteries that reside beyond the stars. But fate reserves a date that will forever change his life: Zara, an enigmatic figure that shines in his existence as a ray of sunshine, a shooting star that illuminates his way. From this mysterious encounter, the shy young man also discovers secrets about his past and the unusual identity of his true father.
In a novel that transcends the boundaries of time and space, Nicholas, and Zara surrender to forbidden love, a link that challenges the laws of nature and social conventions. But Zara is not just a captivating young woman. She is the emissary of a distant world, an alien with the mission of seeking Nicholas to save her universe, cost what it costs.
In this hallucinating journey, Nicholas will be involved in a web of intrigue and lies, where the line that separates reality from fantasy becomes increasingly thin. Faced with telekinetic powers, temporal bends and scientific data, he discovers that aliens are closer than ever imagined, sharing with humanity a legacy of secrets and challenges.
Book 1: Heirs of Planet Life
Book 2: The Origin of Life
Book 3: The Battle of the Gods
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