39 Delen Compleet Voor volwassenenWonho...
Startled awake, I found myself instantly disoriented as a gentle exhale caressed my face, accompanied by a provocative moan that hung in the air. As my gaze met the strangers, I found myself captivated by the cascade of lustrous, ebony curls obscuring half of her face. Even in the dim light, her flawless caramel-brown complexion emanated a radiant glow, accentuated by her tantalizingly moist, full lips that held me spellbound.
As I watched her, her lips glistened with a delicate pink hue, tempting me to lean in and taste their sweetness. Lost in my thoughts, I hesitated, unsure if I should surrender to the desire building within me. Meanwhile, my right hand, seemingly guided by its own desires, ventured beneath the cozy navy blue comforter, caressing something tender, warm, and inviting. A frustrated expletive escaped my lips as the fiery passion within me started to awaken, like a wild beast stirring from its slumber.
"Leave this bed this instant, Wonho!" The rational voice inside me demanded, while the primal desires within screamed, "Stay and indulge our cravings." Summoning every ounce of self-control, I chose to ignore the primal urges.
Before stepping out of the bed, I couldn't resist stealing a glance beneath the covers, anxious to confirm whether we were both exposed or still modestly dressed. A wave of relief washed over me as I realized we were both fully clothed. Gently extricating myself from the bed, I found myself captivated by the sight of her partially revealed, enticingly thick thigh. Temptation whispered in my ear, urging me to capture a snapshot of her alluring face with my phone, and against my better judgment, I succumbed to the impulse. After locking the hotel room behind me, I walked away, carrying the image of her beauty with me.