In the grand and naturally rich jungle of Kanto, we follow the story of Ash, a young boy who is separated from his explorer mother Delia Ketchum as a baby and raised by a pack of Growlithe and Arcanine including Pikachu, his best friend and all the Pokémon that live in the jungle. Upon discovering the truth about Delia, the boy then remembers that he is not like his adoptive family but his life changes when Ash is observed and directed by the couple of magical cats Luna and Artemis resulting in Ash personally meeting the female guardians of the jungle brought by Serenity and blessed by Arceus with special powers and codenames based on their origins. The girls responsible for protection against hunters introduce themselves as Usagi, Ami, Makoto, Rei and Minako, that by meeting him fluidly and receiving help, they not only welcome him with joy and glory but begin to fall in love with him at the same time. However, the jungle begins to be in danger when Beryl, who has taken the form of a fierce red tigress returns to threaten the Pokémon world and destroy the Sailors, but luckily Ash and his five girlfriends will be able to count on the Protector of the Pokémon, Yoshi aka Battle Scarred, the friends from Pallet and the Sailors Haruka, Mirichu, Setsuna and Hotaru to stop Beryl and her goons from destroying the jungle. (Note: In AU with Disney elements Ash is older and mature. Yoshi/Scarred Battle is YoshiDinosaurus' OC) I don't own all Pokémon and Sailor Moon
37 parts