Dreams Beyond Dust is a compelling tale set in Moncada, where two young people, Delfin and Isabela, meet in a bygone period. Delfin, an industrious child, wants a Western education to escape his humble circumstances. Isabela, the beautiful daughter of a wealthy Spanish official, dreams of love that defies society. They meet and form a love tale that defies social norms and changes their lives. "Dreams Beyond Dust" addresses ambition, tenacity, and the power of love in pursuing aspirations.
When 18 year-old Lexi's past starts to repeat itself she throws herself into her new job in order to save enough money to get away from it.
Who knows what could happen when her job leads to her getting thrown into, or rather falling into, the local badboy who just happens to have a softer side?
Finding herself getting too comfortable and too attached to this lovable family, how will Lexi cope with her abusive ex and brother sticking their noses in her business?
Lexi has two options; stand her ground against her abusive ex and brother, or leave to protect those she has grown to care for.