Immerse yourself in a heartwarming journey of unexpected love as Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy find themselves tending to a garden together. Set in the enchanting world of Harry Potter, this story takes you on a cozy and captivating adventure, where the icy walls of animosity slowly crumble, making way for tender emotions and blossoming affections. Cover Art by Veness (link in my profile): We are delighted to feature the stunning cover art for "Bound by Destiny" created by Veness. Their exquisite portrayal of Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy captures the essence of this captivating fanfic. We encourage readers to check out Veness's site (link in my bio) for more breathtaking Dramione artwork and discover the beauty that their talent brings to the Harry Potter fandom. Note: Due to copyright restrictions, we are unable to display the actual cover art here. Please refer to Veness's website to view the incredible artwork.