Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy as their paths unexpectedly converge in the hallowed halls of the library. Starting with an intense dislike for each other, their encounter sets in motion a series of events that will test their beliefs, unravel secrets, and ignite a love neither could have anticipated. With the support of their loyal friends Harry, Ron, Ginny, Pansy, Gregory, and Vincent, our protagonists navigate the complexities of friendship, loyalty, and personal growth, all while discovering the transformative power of love. Cover Art by Veness (link in my profile): We are delighted to feature the stunning cover art for "Bound by Destiny" created by Veness. Their exquisite portrayal of Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy captures the essence of this captivating fanfic. We encourage readers to check out Veness's site (link in my bio) for more breathtaking Dramione artwork and discover the beauty that their talent brings to the Harry Potter fandom. Note: Due to copyright restrictions, we are unable to display the actual cover art here. Please refer to Veness's website to view the incredible artwork.