Gemini and Fourth are known to be rivals since their High School years, then their rivalry continues while College until Graduation. The two thought they could finally have some peace and no longer be at each other's throats.
Fourth Nattawat is an only child and is now continuing his life by managing his father's Business and takes place as the CEO of the company. The company is located in the United States, so since the last semester of his College Year, he already planned on moving away from Thailand.
Gemini Norawit, the eldest son in the family and is known to be the CEO of his own company that he built in his 3rd year of College. His business went well and is now opening many branches in many different countries.
"After leaving Thailand for 2 years, you finally chose to come back, Fourth."
"Oh my, did you miss me, Gemini?"
"In your dreams."
"Oi Gem! Why won't you just sign the papers so we no longer have to argue about this matter."
"Why? Are you afraid I'd never let go of that land? I know you plan on opening a new branch of your business here, Khun Fourth."
"If you know, then why are being so stubborn?"
"Doesn't this remind you of old times? Hmmm."
"Move, Gemini."
"Why? Am I making you nervous, Khun Nattawat..."
Serious Tension!
Curse Words
Both Dominant