On a faraway planet named Silveria, lives two civilizations; the Ivorians and the Zirconans. The Ivorians roam upon the grass, practicing magic and hunting the mythical creatures that live there, but the Zirconans, on the other hand, live underneath the fresh soil with their advanced technology and many districts. Whilst they know about the land above, the Ivorians do not know about the land below. Both civilizations don't know that the other one exists, as they think that they're the only ones who survived the Wreckage, a large group of 'natural disasters' and wars that occurred long ago. After the people of another planet 'kidnap' a group of Zirconans, as well as a separate group of Ivorians, by shutting off all of the power in Zircona and causing utter chaos, the two civilizations finally meet each other face to face. These groups are split up into six even smaller groups, each of which consist of about four people. Each group is placed on an abandoned planet, as a test, for an entire sweep (equivalent to about two human years). They are left alone with little to no supplies to survive, and no outside help from the people watching them. They'll either succeed and be rewarded greatly, or die trying.
(Credit to Andrew Hussie for the idea of Trolls, an alien species, as well as God Tiers and all those Homestuck-Related things ! Also, credit to all of those whose fantrolls that I have mentioned/used throughout the story!)
(This novel is under revision as of 2-5-19 up until I feel the true motivation to scrub through most of my older work. Also this summary is something to be fixed but until then)
A thousand years ago the extermination of Earth from unknown circumstances brought about the end of humanity for the planet. The end of animals, most of nature, technology and everything that advanced in between.
After Earth's destruction a new life began with the survivors of the near extinction of humanity. They constructed a singular civilization encased in a wall for protection from outside forces, built on the hope to reproduce and thrive with the life they were forced into. Zykard would be the start of a second life for humans
But within that time of rebirth some of the survivors surged with horrors of Pre-Reearth. Heresy, treachery, riots, thefts, murders and revolutions. A need to for order was introduced, and brought about the leader of Zykard and seven factions of ten people.
A thousand years later theres a change. An outsider appears and seemingly becomes the new leader of Zykard, bringing more hardships with their hopes.
Crimson, a seventeen year old girl faces the verge of adulthood. The final trials being the only gap between her new reality.
A new injection to be given to everyone after the trials.
She will face the ugly second face of what Zykard really is behind the curtains. Face pain she never thought would be possible and lose what she loves the most. She will understand what it's like to become apart of the Zykard.