In the bustling city of Tokyo, there lived a girl named Madeleine who decided to embark on a new adventure with her two best friends, Deena and Blaire after moving away from home. The three friends were thrilled to explore the vibrant streets of Tokyo together. One fateful night, while seeking some excitement, they go to an underground race where the city's most daring and mysterious individuals gathered. Little did they know that this race was hosted by a notorious mafia gang led by the enigmatic and charming boss, Tom Kaulitz. As Madeleine caught the eye of Tom, the magnetic leader of the gang, an unexpected and forbidden romance began to blossom between them. Despite the dangers and secrets that surrounded Tom and his world, Madeleine found herself drawn to him in ways she had never experienced before. As Madeleine delved deeper into the underworld of Tokyo and navigated the complexities of her newfound feelings for Tom, she faced tough decisions that tested her loyalty to her friends and her own sense of right and wrong. Will Madeleine choose to follow her heart and pursue a love that defies all odds, or will the realities of Tom's dangerous world force her to make sacrifices she never imagined?