(Spin off of the Tokyo Revengers: Girl who fights Destiny) This is the story of Matsuno Chifuyu, Baji's 3rd Vice Captain, partner of Takemichi and his great ally during his previous timeline. After Takemichi along with Yuna and Mikey created the best timeline for everyone, Chifuyu must take toughest challenge of his life that he never did before. He must make his girlfriend, Tamashiro Naomi the tough as nails and headstrong vice leader of Artemis happy and giving her the best youth romance by knowing she didn't have good childhood due of the annoying boys and their racist comments Will he make it or get teased by Baji who often gets hit by La Chancla as Kazutora calling the funeral services on him. Especially now when his predecessor Sato Ryusei is back and dealing more crap than usual. So much for youth romance.