11 parts Complete MatureIn a world where the intricate balance between good and evil hangs in a precarious state akin to a high-stakes game of chess, a prophecy spreads among the celestial beings, stirring unease and tension among the divine. This prophecy revolves around Ludachel, a young angelic boy hidden away by his mother, the goddess of life, in a harsh, dystopian land where no god can find him. As Ludachel navigates a life rife with trials and hardships, his kind heart remains a guiding light, even as his powers and fragmented memories plague him with a reality he struggles to grasp. His forgotten past and enigmatic abilities hint at a significant shift in celestial power.
Enter Pain, a demon prince in exile who assumes the guise of Cain. Pain discovers Ludachel's true identity as the foretold god of death. Initially driven by a desire to manipulate Ludachel for his own dark ambitions, Cain's heart softens as he unexpectedly falls for the fallen deity. Faced with a dilemma of choosing between power and love, will Cain decide to stand by Ludachel? Despite the risks his past actions pose to both their lives.
As their connection deepens, Ludachel and Pain embark on a perilous journey, encountering adversaries and obstacles that threaten to alter the course of their existence. Their star-crossed love story unfolds against a backdrop of cosmic significance, where the threads of fate and destiny intertwine in unexpected ways, forging a bond that defies the boundaries of their opposing natures. Amidst the turmoil of conflicting loyalties and cosmic forces, Ludachel's tortured soul finds solace in the unexpected embrace of a demon prince as they navigate the treacherous path of celestial destiny.