In the small town of Adventure Bay, Chase and Rocky lead the tale of love and companionship. The story introduces Adventure Bay and highlights the strong bond between Chase and Rocky. They enjoy a perfect day at the park with their friends. However, their idyllic lives take a turn when a stray pup named Sage enters the picture. Chase and Rocky, showing their compassionate nature, quickly befriend Sage and discover that he needs a loving home. They seek help from their lead, Ryder, who explains that they are actively looking for a suitable family for Sage. In an act of kindness, Chase and Rocky offer to temporarily care for Sage until a permanent home is found. Together, they embark on an unforgettable adventure filled with laughter, games, and dreams of superhero exploits. Despite the joy they experience, the reality of Sage's impending departure casts a bittersweet shadow. Ryder brings the news that a loving family is interested in adopting Sage, reminding them that their time together is coming to an end. Sage overhears Chase and Rocky discussing his departure and feels overwhelmed with sadness, longing for the comfort of his only family. Sensing Sage's distress, Chase and Rocky provide reassurance and affection, showing their deep care for him while acknowledging the importance of finding him a forever home. They take a leisurely stroll around Adventure Bay, where Sage finds solace and joy in simple pleasures like playing in the water. Their laughter fills the air as they create unforgettable memories that will always hold a special place in their hearts.
These are just gonna be one shots between you and Andrew. The pronouns will be she/her because I never see Andrewxfemreader so I'm gonna make it. I'll probably do Ashley too if I can figure it out. You'll be 20 in most of these stories unless I do flashbacks of you as kids and some of them will be smut/lemon (not the flashbacks) so be prepared :3 no andrewxashley cuz that's gross, If this story doesn't get popular enough maybe I'll do requests, otherwise enjoy! (I don't own any of the characters)