Tw for alot Gore Sh Ed Descriptive Suicide attempts Manipulation Abuse Ext. This is a story of characters I made up I thought of this story for 10 minutes before writing it down Leo and his sister are trapped in an almost replica of earth. They save kill and do anything to get back home I try to update everyday😔 GAHHHHHHNOOOOOOOOOOOO I DIDSNET NGET ONE OUT RODAY AHHHHH IM GONNA KMSSSSSSSSSS😭😭😭😭😭😭 I AM SO SORRY I HAVE NOT BEEN GIVING GOOD STUF LATELY anyways I'm gonna go cry. Sorry the parts are short I'm trying my best (I def am not)💋💋💋💋 Lately I have not been the best at makeing the parts long.(300 words😭😨) But I am gonna try harder.sorry.(last time I said that I had a 16% out of 100) I'm gonna pretend that if the next few parts aren't 1000 words or more I'm gonna die (that's counter intuitive) that my cats are gonna die. That would work better to make me work. Some of the trigger warnings don't come into the story for a longgggggg I'm talking a month at least. I'm gonna go thru when I have more motivation and make the parts longer.All Rights Reserved