Peter and Kate both have been having a hard time in their respective lives, so Bobby decides to be a good friend and sets these two on a date. How will the date go? Let's find out. Based in Earth-616. Peter Parker/Kitty Pryde
Things have been a little rocky for Peter lately, but he's still standing. He's still doing his best to succeed, going to college and patrolling in his spare time. Sure, it's lonely, what with his family being dead, Ned and MJ in Boston, Mr. Stark off living his life happily with his family, and Happy avoiding him. But whatever, it's all fine. Everything is fine.
Or it was until a mysterious new disease pops up and Peter gets some unwanted news. Good 'ol Parker luck, right?
Content Warning:
-Coarse Language
-Depressive Mentality and Themes
-Mild Violence
-Descriptive Sexual Acts
Story by Kale_Kabbage
All character belong to Marvel®