In the mystical realms where the boundaries of eagle and owl intertwine, a tale unfolds, shrouded in secrecy. Within this enchanting narrative, let us journey alongside the courageous Lyria, a remarkable eagle who found herself dwelling amidst the owls, a breed unfamiliar and distant. While their kindred spirits clashed over territories, their shared existence was marked by rivalry and competition for the bounties of the forest.
Yet, in this extraordinary saga, the lines blur, and the essence of eagles and owls becomes entwined. Lyria, a young soul burdened by the hardships of life, had known only the rigid discipline of the Pure Ones army. She had witnessed the horrors of countless battles, a toll too heavy for her tender heart to bear. A repository of tragedy she carried within, an inventory of lives extinguished.
But against the backdrop of adversity, Lyria's spirit remained resolute, refusing to surrender to the shadows that loomed over her existence. Her wings may have wearied, and doubt may have whispered its corrosive song, but she pressed on, propelled by an unwavering determination. For within her noble heart, the flame of love for her family and the world blazed, illuminating her path with unyielding purpose.
In this realm where eagles and owls converge, where their apparent differences fade into insignificance, Lyria's story unfolds. A tale of audacity and resilience, where the bond of kinship and the interconnectedness of all creatures transcend the boundaries of species. A mesmerizing journey awaits, where the extraordinary emerges from the ordinary, and the courage of one soul echoes through the annals of legend.
(This book is really old, I am no longer active on this account. Expect bad grammar, plot holes, etc.. You can find me now @xCaptainCl3mentinex)
Long ago.before the was the time of dragon's.big dragons,small dragons,wingless,dragons,purple dragons.....
Till one day,the earth had to have a new wiped out all the dragon's,in a great disaster that spread across the world.
But just as the first sign started.just as the tsunami was about to hit the land.the mother Dragon put her egg,inside the cave of protection;the cave that won't let any harm come to those whom are in it.the egg was to be safe.but it would never,ever hatch,unless someone was there to take care of it;meaning if a dragon survived.
But the cave and it's magic is now so old,it doesn't know the difference,when the feather of a mother crow touches it.the egg hatches and the baby is helpless,but finds it's was to the crow who freed it.this crow named Cradline,has just lost her chicks and was outcast from her home,so she feels pitty for the dragon.even if it was a mythical dangerous creature,Cradline knew she was looking into the innocent,helpless eyes of a hatching;so she raised him.
Cradline names him Argentium unum et( The silver one).but everyone calls him Unus ( One )
He is growing fast.
Cradline tries to keep him hidden,but soon he is found.everyone fears this silver beast and try to destroy him.few are on his side and things only get harder when the kings rival,who was always jealous of the king,wanting to be king himself...
He had lead the army of animals who tried to hunt Unus.Scrunchy the cat tries many cruel ways to destroy Unus and his friend's..
Cradline just hopes that they will never have to flee out of the safe and secret half of the island they are
on and be forced passed the great mount cure and into th dangerous world of the human's....