In the bustling hallways of Enhypen High School, where friendships blossomed and dreams took flight, a tender love story quietly unfolded. At the heart of it all were two classmates, Jake and the shy, unassuming girl whose name was Eunice.
Jake was the epitome of the perfect high school sweetheart. With his infectious smile and charming personality, he was adored by everyone who knew him. His presence alone had the power to brighten even the dreariest of days. Beneath his confident exterior, Jake possessed a heart of gold, always ready to lend a helping hand or offer a listening ear. His intelligence and wit only added to his allure.
Eunice, on the other hand, preferred to blend into the background, her appearance hinting at her introverted nature. Behind her thick glasses and unassuming attire, a world of passion and hidden dreams resided. She had long admired Jake from afar, her heart fluttering each time their eyes briefly met. However, her timid nature and fear of rejection prevented her from ever revealing her feelings.
As distance and their opposite personalities stood as formidable obstacles, how could she bridge the gap between their hearts?
Cameron Cole has a plan.
After yet another relationship ends because of certain shortcomings-literally-Cameron decides it's time to swear off dating and focus her energy into her junior year at the University of Charlotte. There's an internship up for grabs and there's no way she's letting that slip through her fingers. But then she's goes and makes one impulsive mistake that changes everything.
Wesley Reed has it all.
As the golden boy of the Charlotte Colts football team, he's got the talent, the looks, and a future so bright it's practically blinding. Girls throw themselves at him, professors let things slide, and the world bends to his will.
But when a required freshmen paper threatens his eligibility, the two are brought together in a sick twist of academic fate. Cameron can't get him out of her head and Wesley isn't making it any easier with his cocky smirk and insistent charm. Their arrangement teeters on the edge of disaster as unresolved tension and late-night study sessions give way to a steamy, no-strings-attached deal.
But in the game of love and lust, someone always has to loose-and the stakes have never been higher.