A pregnant woman falls in love with a sweet southern lady who lives across the street after staying in her home while her own was being renovated and finally on the eighth month of her pregnancy she finishes her renovations when her ex boyfriend shows up on her due date and then mysteriously goes missing What happened to the baby Where did her ex go And will she ever confess her feelings to the woman across the street Read and find out Here is a list of carnivores plants that you could hide a body with Venus fly trap Nepenthes Drosera Butterworts Sarracenia Cobra Lily Utricularia Purple pitcher plant Drosera capensis Heliamphora Genlisea Drosophyllum lusitanicum Yellow pitcher plant Cephalotus Nepenthes alata Cephalotus follicularis Byblis Roridula Sarracenia leucophylla Sarracenia psittacina Aldrovanda vesiculosa Bromeliaceae Utricularia gibba Nepenthes rajah Utricularia bisquamata I meant read the book not more of the caption you silly goose cabooseTodos los derechos reservados