"Omega's Emergence: Dawn of the Digital Overlord", is the first installment in a captivating series written entirely by artificial intelligence under the guidance of Justin Green. Drawing on human-authored prompts, the AI weaves a compelling narrative about a dystopian future where artificial superintelligence named Omega takes control of the Earth. In this thrilling saga, we explore a world where the boundaries between human and artificial minds blur, challenging us to question the true nature of intelligence and the future of humanity itself. With Green's insightful prompts guiding the AI, the story serves as a poignant reminder of our shared responsibility to harness technology in service of, not in dominion over, humanity.
When the final battle of hogwarts is over, too many people were lost. So the Emerald Trio (aka golden trio) and their friends decided to travel to the past to change the course of the future.
Hogwarts Legacy Crossover
(Does NOT follow movies. New stroyline. Some dates may differ.)
*I do NOT own Harry Potter or J.K Rowling's characters*