~I shall always remember those captivating hazel eyes that fortuitously crossed paths with mine, instantly altering the very fabric of my existence. A notable transformation transpired on that fateful day; be it the world or my own self, the specifics remain uncertain.~
Regardless, the consequential outcome rendered it all worthwhile, for ultimately, you shall belong to me and no one else.
Ezan Knight, being a 29-year-old highly eligible billionaire bachelor and a member of the illustrious Italian mafia, holds a significant reputation as the leader of the most feared and dangerous criminal organization in Italy. It is widely recognized that provoking him would inevitably lead to dire consequences.
However, an intriguing turn of events occurs when this ruthless mafia tycoon finds himself unexpectedly falling for an innocent orphan teenager, experiencing an unusual sensation within his heart for the very first time
Trysta, an 18-year-old orphan, tragically lost her family in a car accident. Despite being fluent only in the language of love and kindness, one wonders if she will endure the harsh realities of his demanding affection.