In a world where vampires reign supreme, Adeline, a mere human, exists as a pawn in their elaborate game of power. Trapped as a servant to a wealthy vampiress, Adeline's life takes an unexpected turn when she stumbles upon a diabolical plot to humiliate Luca, the enigmatic CEO of a formidable vampire corporation.
Seizing the opportunity to alter her destiny, Adeline finds herself entangled in a treacherous web of deception. She assumes a new identity, masquerading as a vampire, and infiltrates the glittering halls of high vampire society.
But Adeline faces a perilous dilemma. Love blossoms between her and Luca, but she knows falling for him would expose her secret. That she is a human, one of the things Luca despises.
Ari and Soren's adventures continue as Soren struggles with his new vampiric urges and a coven of witches attempts to recruit Ari for their own ends.
As dark dreams plague Soren, Ari finds his new abilities difficult to control. Something is awakening within him, and as his power grows, he attracts the attention of a group of witches who call themselves the Hecataeon. They believe Ari is an emanation of the goddess Hecate - a physical manifestation of her power - and they want that power for themselves. With their relationship facing challenges from within, Ari and Soren must find a way to unite their strengths before external forces tear them apart.
NOTE: This book is the sequel to Bound by Blood.
Content Warning: Light violence, language, and sexuality. PG-13
Cover designed by Adam Budny