Bane Harien, a renowned hero with an unwavering sense of justice, finds himself locked in a relentless battle against the formidable and enigmatic number one villain, Zeph Frost. With their encounters becoming increasingly intense, Bane begins to uncover unexpected layers beneath Zeph's villainous façade.
As Bane and Zeph clash in a series of epic confrontations, a strange connection forms between them. Despite their opposing roles, an undeniable attraction begins to bloom, catching them both off guard. Their encounters no longer solely revolve around combat; they find solace in each other's company, sharing stolen moments amidst the chaos.
With time, Bane's feelings for Zeph deepen, leading him into a moral dilemma. The hero, torn between his love for the villain and his dedication to his duty, must make a life-altering decision. Does he betray his fellow heroes and the values he's upheld throughout his career, forsaking everything for the love that has unexpectedly blossomed? Or does he become a double agent, secretly working with his fellow heroes and supplying intel about his forbidden love?
As Bane grapples with his conflicting emotions, the line between good and evil blurs. The story delves into the complexities of loyalty, personal desires, and the shades of gray that exist within the realm of heroes and villains. Bane's struggle becomes a reflection of the human experience, reminding readers that love and loyalty are not always clear-cut choices.
Bane Harien must confront his own beliefs and confront the consequences of his decisions. Can he find a path that reconciles his love for Zeph with his desire to uphold justice? Or will he become a tragic figure caught between two worlds, forever tormented by his divided loyalties as It seems that no matter what choice bane makes, he's going to lose, weather it be the life he has built as a hero or will it be his love and relationship with Zeph.
Disney and Nondisney characters separated into saints and sinners (via 7 Deadly Sins and & 7 Heavenly Virtues). Jim Hawkins (a child of Greed), kidnaps a girl (Wendy Darling) that was kidnapped by Captain Hook, in hopes of collecting her ransom. Little does he know, a Heavenly/Hellish adventure awaits. There's only one thing on the line: his soul. Return of Ariel/Jim/Peter/Wendy crossover. Including Sinbad, Dimitri, Flynn Rider, Balto, Odette, Derek, Cinderella, Hercules, Kayley, Garrett, Mulan, Rapunzel, Belle Gaston, Captain Hook, Beast and many, many more.