49 parti Completa Per adultiStory is published on Amazon, (kindle and Paperback). Smashwords, and more!
Sadie, Antonio, and Ethan are all back with their intense love, romance, and their wild humor.
5 years later...
Sadie's going through some changes, and decides she wants to go back to work. Wanting a break from the kids, as well as her duties at home that she had been doing for the last 11 years, and decides she wants to hire a nanny. Antonio becomes afraid of losing Sadie as they go through a little rough patch, and takes her on a vacation, surprising her with something special.
Melissa left Ethan with a broken heart, along with a secret that she never wanted him finding out... until Sadie runs into her. After his breakup with Melissa, for years he never thought he could love another woman, until now. He was ready to find someone he could spend the rest of his life with, and who could give him what he longed for... a family of his own.
In the process of looking for his true love, Ethan unexpectedly hooks up with the woman of his dreams, the one woman he always wanted since they met, and they end up having an all night love making session. Happy, and thrilled, thinking that he finally has her in his life, becomes surprised when she asks him to move on, and to find someone his own age.
Ethan unwillingly moves on as asked, and when he meets Antonio, and Sadie's new nanny, he tries doing what he's asked to do. In time, feelings for her develop, and one night after she comes on to him, they hook up, only for him to immediately regret what they've done, when he thinks of his true love.
Can Ethan figure his life out without hurting one of the two women in the process? What will he decide?
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