A small six year old girl giggled as she played in the water. It was a peaceful day. A peaceful night. It always was in the village of Terra. Living in this small village. Consisting of only one hundred people. These people are known as the Fauna Clan. Consisting of people that can morph into animals. They are known for their strange eyes. Either being Steel Blue or Sage Green, along with the ability to change the shape and size of their pupils. Their Ruby Red hair was also a well known feature they all shared. Always long. Always braided. The small girl looked into her reflection. Giggling at the sight of her waist length ruby red braided hair. Her miss-matched eyes. The left eye a bright steel blue, the right a bright sage green. She giggled as she jumped into the water. Then she looked up to her elder brother. Who was playing with her. The girl looked up. Giggling at the fourteen year old boy. He laughed with her. His own knee length ruby red braided hair swayed as he chased his sister. Their playing and giggling came to a stop though. The reasoning. The sound of screaming and fighting. The boy shot over to the younger girl's side. He grabbed his sister's shoulders and yanked her back. But the small girl lunged forward. She took off into a jog. Her bare feet jumping over rocks and twigs. She moved faster than the human eye could see. Her brother was running hot on her heels. Though he was slower. He screamed out to his little sister. The girl came to a sliding stop. Leaving scorch marks behind her as she slid to a stop. Her eyes went wide at the sight before her. Her home, her village, her family. Her cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents were screaming and fighting. Fire burning down houses. Blood staining their roads. Her brother lunged into action. Turning into a giant bear and joining in with the fighters. The girl again took off in a dead run. Moving about two times faster than earlier. As she ran screaming out for her mother, for her father.All Rights Reserved