"Genesis of Power" is an epic fantasy tale set in a world where magic and adventure reign. The story follows Sarah, a young and talented girl who discovers her extraordinary powers to manipulate the elements. Set 500 years after a great war, the world has returned to a medieval era, and Sarah finds herself navigating the challenges of being a 13-year-old high schooler.
As Sarah delves deeper into her magical abilities, she embarks on a journey of self-discovery and adventure. Guided by an old man who recognizes her potential, Sarah trains to become more powerful and harness her elemental gifts. Along the way, she encounters the legendary figures of Len and Harrun, who have shaped a new world and now offer their wisdom and training to Sarah.
Sarah's path takes a surprising turn when she is unexpectedly transported to a different world, where she reunites with Len and Harrun. They recognize her potential and take it upon themselves to further train and mentor her. With their guidance, Sarah hones her skills and prepares to face the challenges that lie ahead.
Back in her own world, Sarah joins the adventures guild and embarks on thrilling quests. As she proves her bravery and strength by vanquishing a dragon that threatens a village, Sarah's reputation skyrockets, leading to her promotion as an A rank adventurer.
Sarah forms a team called the Lunar Wolf, comprising her friends from school: Andrew, a skilled swordsman; Sophia, a sharpshooting archer; and Lance, a proficient spearman. Together, they undertake perilous missions, encounter mythical creatures, and face the mysteries that unfold in their world.
Throughout the season, Sarah's journey unfolds through a captivating narrative medium, immersing readers in a world of magic, danger, and self-discovery. With each chapter, the stakes rise, and the story reaches its climactic finale, setting the stage for even greater threats and adventures to come in the next season.
Even teen evil queens need love. Right? (Or at least a handsome sword-fighting minion to do their bidding!)
Bad things happen when Rowen is around and the worst part is, she has no idea why until a massive family secret sends her on a fantastical journey to fight her evil fate. Will Rowen fold into the forces of dark magic or honor her true self?
On the surface, Rowen Keckilpenny-Brown seems like a normal teenage girl with normal teen problems-no boyfriend, overprotective parents, and no friends other than a three-legged cat. But her wild red hair, reptilian eyes, and legendary temper say otherwise. When Rowen accidentally blows up the school gym, she discovers a dark secret her fathers have kept from her-she's the heir to an evil queen's throne. The current evil queen, Petronella Grimshaw, is desperate to crown Rowan the new sovereign and blackmails her into traveling to the queendom. Rowen has one month to learn how to evil queen, and it's not easy because there are those in the castle who want her dead, witches are disappearing, and an annoyingly cute swordsman keeps distracting her. Worst of all, Rowan finds herself in a duel against her biggest enemy: herself. She must fight her true fate, in the process uncovering deep familial mysteries and perhaps the biggest secret ever...That maybe, just maybe, she deserves to be loved after all.
Princess Diaries meets the School for Good & Evil with a touch of Wednesday Addams thrown in for bad luck. The best kind!
Cover by @ClarissaNorth