Sudah jatuh, tertimpa tangga pula. Hidup Jaehyuk berputar 180° setelah mengalami kram perut.
Asahi lelah menjadi robot sang ayah. Bahkan diusianya yang sudah menginjak 30 tahun, ia tetap tak bisa menentang beliau.
BxB 🔞
Bijaklah dalam membaca.
📌Tue., Des 5, 2023.
#1 sahijae; Mon., Des 11, 2023.
#1 yoshihoon; Mon., Des 18, 2023.
#1 yoonjaehyuk; Thu., Des 28, 2023.
#1 asahyuk; Sat., Jan 6, 2024.
#1 jaehyuk; Sat., Jan 10, 2024.
#1 hamadaasahi; Wed., Apr 17, 2024.
#2 curse; Wed., May 22, 2024.
#4 treasure; Fri., May 17, 2024.
#5 jinx; Thu., Des 7, 2023.
Your parents were killed in battle and you were found in a lake by non other than Silco.
He raised you as his own by the help of his own friends and people.
You find Powder or shall I say Jinx having a breakdown after a horrid tragedy of both her sister leaving and her adoptive farther from death. You two grow up together, become friends and get so close..
You both envelop feelings for each other.