Am I in heaven? 'cause there's a angel in front of me,yet the most beautiful broken thing ever, he looks godly unreal.He has these eyes...damn these emerald green eyes with little gold specks, and it breaks my heart to see those tears flood down his perfect constrasted Im officially a a stalker,instead of checking on this hurt angel I stare at them....
Mauricio Torres Santo went to heaven,hell,the earths and back,passed down by his own father to numerous types of people,Abusers,gansters,mafia,rich people with nothin to do with their money etc. twice a year passed to diffrent owners.After years of Torture,abuse,SA, Slavery etc. he managed to run away, years later he's leading a sports company all while being a underground fighter chasing revenge and trying to stay afloat.
Isadora Marcelli is working her ass of leading her photography Company daytime and while at the nighttime shes a underground fighter for a little extra money and feeding her adrenaline addiction and necessity, by being a underground fighter she found a new glint of hope that theres more to life,after moving houses all her life as a orphan, house to house new people, new trauma,until she decides to make it herself a living out of it while leading a legal company,little does she know she shares her secret with her new friend