Hanamichi Sakuragi, the formidable leader of the Sakuragi Gang, together with his crew - Yohei Mito, Chuichirou Noma, Yuji Ohkusu, and Nozomi Takamiya - finds themselves entangled in a deadly clash with the Tokyo Manji Gang, a rival gang known for their ruthlessness and power. In this action-packed show, the story kicks off at a fast food joint where Hanamichi and his crew are seeking some excitement. Boredom fuels their rebellious spirits as they discuss rumors of the Tokyo Manji Gang badmouthing their gang. Intrigued by the challenge, they decide to pay their rivals a visit. Roaming through the dangerous streets of Tokyo, Hanamichi's crew spots Draken, a prominent member of the Tokyo Manji Gang. Seeing an opportunity to make a statement, they confront Draken and engage in a fierce brawl. Hanamichi, a force to be reckoned with, effortlessly overpowers his opponents with his godlike strength and combat skills. The clash escalates until Hanamichi corners Draken, ready to deliver the final blow. With the weight of his golden Desert Eagle pressed against Draken's head, Hanamichi revels in his dominance and demands submission. Draken, fearful for his life, pleads for mercy, promising to never disrespect the Sakuragi Gang again. Hanamichi, amused by Draken's vulnerability, decides to spare him for now, but leaves a clear warning that any further transgressions will have dire consequences. As the episode concludes, Hanamichi and his crew walk away, leaving a broken and humiliated Draken behind. The streets of Tokyo tremble with the echoes of their confrontation, setting the stage for further intense battles between the Sakuragi Gang and the Tokyo Manji Gang.
Riverfield, a beautiful town by the ocean, is home to the prestigious Decelis Academy.
It's also home to seven boys with a secret: they may simply seem like players of the famous sport, Nightball, but they're actually vampires.
To escape from their dark past, they try to lead normal lives as students - other than the occasional hitch since their rival Nightball team happens to be made up of werewolves. But in the end, these seven friends always find strength in each other.
Until one day, a new transfer student with curious strength causes the boys' forgotten past to slowly unravel.
Original story: HYBE