Lolita Moore, known as Lollie, is a dedicated English Literature student under the guidance of her professor, Natasha Romanoff. Initially finding Natasha intriguing and captivating, Lolita is drawn to her daring and charming demeanor. As their interactions progress, they begin to engage in secret sessions behind closed doors, delving into a realm of intimacy that goes beyond the boundaries of their student-teacher relationship. Unbeknownst to Lolita, her admiration for Natasha transforms into something deeper, an unexpected and unsettling love. Caught between the allure of forbidden desire and the realization of the complexities involved, Lolita grapples with her feelings and the implications of their unorthodox bond.
WARNINGS: dark!natasha romanoff, huge age difference (obviously) (natasha romanoff is in her late thirties, lolita is entering her twenties), smut, alcohol consumption, mommy issues, angst, slight fluff, and more in the future.)
A story about y/n x Natasha Romanoff!
Y/n is a 20 year old girl that hates university not only she doesn't behave in class, she also likes to make a fool out of new teachers.
But when she got back in school she wasn't in the Theater curs like she wanted, she was divided in Russian.
When she stepped in her new class she immediately new she would like to mess around with the new teacher.
But for her surprise she finds out that Miss Romanoff is different...
A story about a girl that have mental issues and finds the first love of her life.
I hope you like the story and I try to write weekly a new chapter :)